IrishWonder’s SEO Consulting Blog

  • Guest Bloggers: You’re Doing It Wrong

    There is an abundance of blog posts, articles, guides and even conferences covering outreach and inbound marketing and guest blogging. This has got so big that it has become a new form of spam in its worst implementation. Yet, those practising guest blogging on a daily basis, as their main job, still don’t get it…

  • Interflora Back in the SERPs

    As of today, at least some of Interflora’s rankings are back, just in time for Mother’s Day. It’s been about two weeks since Interflora got penalised by Google. Here is what I am seeing with location set to UK: Keyword position URL interflora 1 flowers 10 roses 10 balloon bouquet…

  • So Who Got Interflora Penalised?

    Since Martin Macdonald broke the news about Interflora’s penalty there have been a lot of discussions and speculations as to what might have caused it. Since Google refuses to comment, each one of all these guesses is as good as the next one  but Bronco’s version about the advertorials in the local news sites seems…

  • WordPress Sitemap Plugins Reviewed

    Searching for any specific class of WordPress plugins is no easy task. As surprising as it may sound, it is true. There are several reasons for this. WordPress plugin directory currently lists a total 23,245 plugins, which wouldn’t be a problem if they were better classified – but there is actually no proper classification to…

  • My and ContentMango’s Adventures at SVC2Baltics

    Those who know me in person have probably heard me mention that since speaking at SEMDays in Romania earlier this year, I’ve been toying with an idea of doing something similar in Lithuania for the local SEO community . Well, I’ve finally got a great chance to do it at the Silicon Valley Comes to…

  • Facebook Page Bug (And a Way to Override It)

    Who said large companies/popular websites were perfect and bug-free? 🙂 Being a large company surely gives you more budget to iron all the possible glitches out but it doesn’t guarantee that they will actually be all taken care of – in many cases, it’s just the most used stuff that gets taken care of first…

  • 3 Approaches to Content Creation

    Content has been a crucial SEO factor for a long time, and with recent Google Panda and Penguin updates it is only becoming more important. Gone are the days when you could simply point 10,000 anchor text rich links at a site and have it rank. Today, you need to create something of value –…

  • Site Infected by Malware? – Here’s What You Should Do

    Recently I got a heads up from my friend Earl Grey that one of the sites I control is marked as infected with malware in Google. I got on the case and within a couple days the issue has been sorted out successfully. The case, however, has inspired me to post about sites getting infected…

  • Security Audits and Economical Viability

    One of the SEO services I have been offering for many years are SEO security audits. With all the recent talk about increased risks of negative SEO (Penguin making it even more of a real threat supposedly) and even Google finally caving in to recognise that negative SEO is a real threat, the need for…

  • SMX Social Experiment: Emergency Tweets

    While at SMX London, I’ve heard all kinds of interesting stuff including a lot of talk about the importance of social signal and interaction on social media sites. I agree this is very important, especially aft the Penguin, but how well can your message be delivered to your audience? Here is a little practical test…