Lame Link Exchange Requests

Generally, I have nothing against link exchange. If done carefully (=3-way at least, not reciprocal), with the right sites, without involving the super-spammed “resources” pages that scream “Designed for link exchange!”, it works wonders in certain markets. But I guess we’ve all received one (or a hundred) of those lame link exchange requests offering you to link to something totally unrelated, sent to a site that you never even thought of doing link exchange for, and containing one of the top lame pitches like:

As you are probably aware, reciprocal linking benefits both of us by raising
the search engine rankings and generating more traffic to both of our

Imagine this sent to my contact email for this site!

After getting an umpteenth email like this, I lost patience and decided to reply the lame link exchanger:


Prior to spamming everyone out there with your link exchange requests take
some effort and ask yourself the following questions:

1. Does the site I am about to spam look like they practice link exchange?

2. Is the site at least somehow related to what I am trying to get them to
link to?

If the answer is “no” to both, think of what you’re searching in the
search engines and maybe you need to refine your queries to come up with
better potential link exchange partners.

You think they would at least understand what I am on about?



