Weekend Lite: Where Will All the SEOs Go Next?

SEOs are exploring new opportunities and conquer new spaces on the web – but it appears that they’re not the first ones to see the opportunity in many of those places.

Here are a few examples where we made to recently:
Google Base – but porn marketers got there before SEOs
MySpace (also here) – but judging by the amount and topics of spam that already exists there, email spammers made it first to there
– Digg – well I can’t really think of who made it there first but it’s an established community that’s been there for like 5 years already, judging by the domain registration date
LinkedIn (also here) – this is almost becoming mainstream now, Matt Cutts has been hanging out in LinkedIn for a while now.

What’s next? Evidently, to make the most of a trend/place/publicity stunt, SEOs need to get into the game early, not when it has already become over abused. What are the opportunities we should be using tomorrow and how to identify them?



